Signing Off on 2014 – What A Day That Was

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Here is my introduction to Cosmophilia: You Belong Here, the 2015 annual edition of Planet Waves, which is now available at the best pre-order discount rate. Here is my latest letter introducing the project and offering signs for individual sale.

iMac photo of me in my dining room broadcasting studio and office in Kingston NY.
iMac photo of me in my dining room broadcasting studio and office in Kingston NY.

In tonight’s edition I sign off on 2014, roll some credits and comment on why I cut back my TV watching by 98%.

This includes one last visit for the year with Marshall McLuhan and his grandson Andrew McLuhan. The central concept of my decision involves the way that the media are an extension of our senses and central nervous systems — and therefore how TV drags us to the scene of every disaster. Along the way, I look at some ideas in the book Understand Media.

I also fill in a bit about the history of the Uranus-Pluto cycle going back to the Sixties and the Uranus-Pluto square back to 2008 — with a look at the astrology of 2015. My musical guest is David Byrne, from his 1981 record The Catherine Wheelwhich you can see on video here.


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