Kurt Cobain, Sun Conjunct Neptune and Astrology Secrets

Kurt Cobain, a Pisces who was born Feb. 20, 1967
Kurt Cobain, a Pisces who was born Feb. 20, 1967


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In tonight’s program I look at the current Sun conjunct Neptune aspect, and describe the how Neptune works and how Chiron works as an astrological factor. I offer some perspective on the visual illusion of television vis a vis Marshall McLuhan, the grandfather of media theory. Then I look at the natal chart of Kurt Cobain, whose 48th birthday would have been Feb. 20. In the last section I talk about the differences between a natal chart, a solar chart, whole sign houses and a sidereal chart — an excellent primer on chart types that will be fun for anyone to listen to.

Kurt Cobain, A rating, from memory, data collected by Lois Rodden.
Kurt Cobain, A rating, from memory, data collected by Lois Rodden.

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